Wednesday, July 30, 2008

We've done it!

Well, we've done it now. The house is "on the market."
I am 80% sure we are making the right decision. I love NZ, but timing and fate seems to be telling us to head back home.
Things happen for a reason, eh?
I've been homesick for a while now, and with Maya's arrival family has become immensely important to me. The thought of her growing up not knowing her grandparents, aunties, cousins... well, to be frank it breaks my heart.
My nightmare pregnancy brought home to us both just how far away we are. Things got quite serious there for a while, and my poor hubby could have ended up here alone with both Maya and me in ICU (or worse). Its at least 30 hours, and $3000 for anyone to get here. Hideous - it doesn't bare thinking about.
So, check it out:

Any interest?



Wow, that is big news, but you do have to follow your heart. I will get in touch with Rich and Beeny as well as we really need to pop out for a visit.

Anonymous said...

Your house is lovely! I am sure you'll sell it soon - but ABERDEEN?!

The Mrs. said...

Nice house!!! where you be moving to?