Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged by Europachic! Thanks hun.
The rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog
2. Share 5 songs you are embarrassed to admit to others that you like and tell why.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post. (I don't know 7 people so have tagged 3)

OK, my song choices are....

1, Guns and Roses Paradise City - the ultimate housework song. If I need to do a major spring clean I put on the "gunners"
2, Pina Collada ( I think its Rupert Holmes) I can't help but dance to this one, and I love the cheesy lyrics - so easy to sing along to
3, Land of Hope and Glory, or the official title - Pomp and Circumstance. This brings a tear to my eye every time I hear it. I get goosebumps. I love Last Night of the Proms for this song alone.
4, Its a Kind of Magic - Queen. This song sadly reminds me of work, and an amazing conference I went to. It was played everytime we needed some motivation.... and it worked. (I think it was a bit of a cult conference - along the lines of Tony Robbins!) Now when I hear it I still feel inspired to "WoW my customers"
5, Poi e - The Patea Maori Group. Unless you are a Kiwi, you won't get this one... but I encourage you to Youtube it. Its a fab song with a totally awful video. However, it was created by a group of people to raise money and awareness for their plight when the whole town was made redundant when the local industry closed its doors. Very catchy, and quite inspiring. Unfortunately, the town is a real ghost town now.

The 3 people I now tag

One Fabulous Mom
The Persuader
Get Artsy, Mama


The Mrs. said...

I looove guns and roses! I did this one already on my last Sunday post! Check it out!

Anonymous said...

Ha I LOVE Queen. Im so dorky.